Mental Toughness: Commitment

Mental Toughness: Commitment

Face Your Fears and Do the Hard Thing

Are you fully committed to your goals and dreams? Or are you holding back slightly? Many of the athletes I work with, while dedicated, hold themselves back in small, but impactful ways. When we dig deeper, the reason behind the slight hesitation to whole heartedly go after their dreams is fear. Fear of failure. Fear or success. Fear of embarrassment. Fear of judgement.  

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Kimber-Lea Raef Kimber-Lea Raef

The Benefits of Mental Performance Coaching on Atheletic Success: Unlocking Peak Performance for Serious Athelets

Unlocking peak athletic performance isn't just about hitting the gym or perfecting your technique. Don’t get me wrong, physical and technical training are critical in performance. But they aren’t everything, we’re still missing a key piece of training in order to reach our potential. You already have the secret weapon. It’s probably overlooked and undertrained as it tends to be in the sports world. The pivotal factor in unlocking peak performance is your mind.

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